aqua press International – Water Management in the Danube Region
The bilingual (German/English) trade magazine aqua press International is published since 1996. It deals with all topics that nourish the relationships relevant to water management in the Danube Region. It also addresses the global challenges faced by water management, drawing on the know-how of numerous partners whose contacts assume leading positions in state ministries, regional government agencies, water and energy utilities, technology developers, and domestic as well as international organisations and interest groups.
The distribution of our readership base – 50 % in Southeast Europe, 50 % in Austria – reflects its bridging role. This written publication is complemented by the Internet portal, which is provided in English language.
Global Water Intelligence publishes newsletters and reports providing analysis and strategic data on the international water market. Its flagship publication, the monthly industry journal Global Water Intelligence (GWI), has established itself as the market-leading publication for developers, suppliers, financiers, governments, utilities and municipalities seeking information and analysis on water projects with an element of private sector participation.
If you want to find out more about GWI products visit You can sign-up for a FREE trial to Global Water Intelligence, Water Desalination Report ( or DesalData ( and read executive summaries of our latest reports (
gwf Wasser|Abwasser
The leading Knowledge Platform in Water and Wastewater Business
Established in 1858, gwf Wasser|Abwasser is regarded as the leading publication for water and wastewater technology and science – including water production, water supply, pollution control, water purification and sewage engineering.
It’s more than just content: The journal is a publication of several federations and trade associations. It comprises scientific papers and contributions reviewed by experts, offers industrial news and reports, covers practical information, and publishes subject laws and rules.
In other words: gwf Wasser|Abwasser opens a direct way to your target audience.
Media consultant:
Inge Spoerel
Phone: +49 (0)89-2035366-22
Fax: +49 (0)89-2035366-99
DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH
Arnulfstraße 124
D-80636 München
The bimonthly magazine L’Acqua edited by the Italian Hydrotechnical Association (A.I.I.) is dedicated to the multifaceted scientific and technical items included in the wide area of Water Engineering and related subjects. It hosts contributions from scientist and researchers, practicing engineers, professional societies contractors, industrial operators, managers and administrators, under the form of scientific papers, short notes, discussions and reviews in a balanced and harmonic assortment of theories, experiments and experience.
The magazine is primarily devoted to cultural and technical aspects of the advancement of knowledge in different subjects of Water Engineering and to the welfare of the country.
The distribution is not limited to the members of the Association, but includes public and private authorities, users, administrators and owners. The main subjects dealt with can be described by the following list (key words): Aqueducts, Land reclamation, Climatology, Soil Conservation, Economy, Renewable Energy, Sewage, Hydrology, Hydroelectric Plants, Irrigation, Legislation, Water Quality and Treatments.
Water21 is the official magazine of the International Water Association. It is published six times a year and provides a global perspective on the most important business, technology and environmental issues affecting the sector. To receive trial copies, visit For more information, visit
Agency Bulgarreklama together with WASSER BERLIN and the BULGARIAN WATER ASSOCIATION, organized the eight edition of the International Specialized Exhibition WATER SOFIA which was held from 28 to 30 May 2014 at Inter Expo Center - Sofia.
WATER SOFIA will again demonstrate effective technologies for water extraction , water supply, rehabilitation and construction of sewerage networks, purification of drinking water and wastewater . There will be exhibited advanced technology, systems and equipment for maintenance , inspection and cleaning of water basins . Attention will be paid to the application of modern information and communication technologies for the rational management of water resources and sustainable management of floods and other natural disasters.
The BWA will organize the sixth International Conference BULAQUA 2014 "Innovative solutions for the Water Sector".
More information you can find at and
The Danish Export Association is a private, non-profit association for the purpose of encouraging trade between Danish and foreign companies.
Its 500 members make it the largest in Denmark, and we host a large number of networks within key industries representing manufacturers, consultants and service providers, making it an excellent platform to locate new business partners and suppliers.
For information on the Danish Water Technology Sector and contact to the Danish Water Technology member group, please contact:
Danish Water Technology Group
contact: Ilse Korsvang
Venlig hilsen/Best regards/Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Ilse Korsvang
Danish Water Technology Group (Danish Export Association)
Tlf. direkte/mobil: +45 5089 4488
bi-UmweltBau - The professional magazine for civil engineering, underground infrastructure construction, trenchless technology
bi-UmweltBau serves as an Information vehicle for civil engineering, underground infrastructure construction and trenchless technology. It provides civil engineers, water professionals, policy makers and all other participants of this industry comprehensive editorial content on current trends and activities, new equipment and latest technology.
Printrun: 14,500 copies
Visit our German Newsportal:
Visit our International Newsportal:
About bi-medien: We are a German leading media company focusing on information on the entire construction industry, eTendering and digital procurement management. It was founded in 1950 and to this day developed a comprehensive portfolio within the following business sectors:
Publishing house for professional magazines - 3 leading national titles
National News-Portal with daily news from the construction industry
International News-Portal with information on the world’s construction industry
Tendering services including eTendering and digital procurement management.
Since 1995 bi medien company headquarters are based in Kiel, Germany.
«AQUA UKRAINE» is International Water Forum, which is annually held in November by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers at the largest exhibition ground in Ukraine (International Exhibition Center, Kyiv, Livoberezhna metro station). Combining the work of exhibition with scientific-practical and business activities, the Forum promotes the introduction of advanced technologies, modern equipment and materials for water treatment, water supply and sewage, creation of favorable investment climate, establishment of business relations, wide discussion and search of improving ways at water reliability in Ukraine. High level of event organization is approved by the World Association of Exhibition Industry (UFI), and support of «AQUA UKRAINE» by branch ministries of Ukraine indicates the importance of the Forum for the state at all. is one of the leading online service provider in the Global Energy Industry. We feature latest news, industry project updates and trends, provides senior staff and other purchasing decision makers with all that is required to stay top in this growing market.
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