Официальный организатор выставок

Тел.: +7 (383) 209 00 50


Major event in water and wastewater treatment industry behind the Urals

Exhibition stand construction

Exhibition stand is the visiting card of your company. It is very important that it clearly and originally represents and fits to the profile of your company. As organizers, we are pleased to provide you with qualified technical support before and during the exhibition!

Standard booth is a structure made of aluminum and white runs of wall panels (2.5 m x 1 m).
For the construction of the standard booth the constructor Octonorm is used.

The standard stand package includes:

  • carpeting
  • coat rack, waste basket
  • table and chairs (the amount depends on the size of the stand)
  • lamps 35 W (amount depends on the size of the stand)
  • fascia board with the company's name
  • 220 V connection

What is an unequipped place?
Exhibitors who have submitted an application for space only, will have only an exhibition space for self-construction. In this case the building should be done in accordance with the rules for individual developers, the administration of the fairground and the exhibition organizers. The construction is to realize on account of the exhibitor.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us:

Anna Baryshnikova

Tel.: +7 383 231 13 99
Skype: baryshnikova0703

Please note that during the construction of your exhibition stand there always should be a representative of your company.

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